Different Denture Types and Care Instructions

Different varieties of dentures require varying degrees of maintenance. Partial dentures, for example, need to be brushed daily with a toothbrush and mild soap. However, taking complete dentures in a cleansing solution would be the best overnight. dentures will also depend on the material they are made from. For example, can clean porcelain or plastic dentures can clean porcelain or plastic dentures with a toothbrush and mild soap. However, metal dentures require special care, as they can tarnish if not cleaned properly. How you care for your When cleaning your dentures, brush all surfaces, including the inside of the teeth and gums. Then, rinse them thoroughly before putting them back in your mouth. It’s also essential to clean your mouth after removing your dentures. Brush your gums with a toothbrush with gentle bristles, tongue, and palate. This will help remove any food particles or bacteria that may have been left behind. If you need any assistance on how to care for your ...